Open a bank account with a trusted adult as co signer(required as you are a minor) or wait three months to open an account that is solely yours. Then have your paycheck direct deposited to your account by your employer.
When your tution assistance comes in this will be imperative for you to set up as you do not want anyone else having access to your money.
It sounds as though your Gmother has already written you off as “leaving Jehovah” so what is the harm to you immediately if you choose for yourself to go the football game and hang out with friends? Go on a date? What is your Gmother holding over you? Are you afraid of being kicked out? That would be illegal if she is your guardian. Are you planning on moving out? You should plan for it as soon as possible.
Not really clear on the dynamics of exactly what you are dealing with but one thing is certain, you won’t get back the last few months of your high school story to re do. So make it exactly like you want now and deal with the repercussions. You’ll thank yourself later.
I appreciate what Joe is getting at about some of the pitfalls of freedom, but I push back that it is oh so similar to the fear tactics employed by JW cult members.
Truth is, people are actually wonderful and not everyone will lead you to sex, drugs and rock n roll. But if they do and you like it? Who is to judge you for it?
Get control of your life. It is time to grow up. Stay in control by making good decisions.